Acronym soup forGaming

Indicates that a player is temporarily away from their computer or console.

A button on a controller that allows players to quickly switch between weapons or items.

A genre of game where a large number of players compete against each other until there is only one survivor.

A gas-operated, magazine-fed rifle from the Halo video game franchise.

Abilities or effects that can disrupt or hinder enemies.

A measure of a character's ability to deal damage over time.

On-screen information displayed to the player during gameplay.

A type of game where thousands of players can interact in a persistent online world.

A genre of game where teams of players compete against each other on a map.

A character, item, or ability that is excessively strong or effective.

A system that generates random numbers to determine outcomes in games.

A game where players assume the roles of characters and interact with a virtual world.

A game that can be played by a single person.

The ability to instantly move from one location to another.

Points earned by players that allow them to level up and become more powerful.

A role in MOBA games that focuses on dealing physical damage from a distance.

A genre of game where players see the world through the eyes of their character.

Gameplay that involves players competing against each other.

Used to show sportsmanship at the end of a game, commonly in online gaming.

Used to describe something happening in the physical world, as opposed to online.