Acronym soup for

The informal language used by the gaming community, ie. gamers.

A role in MOBA games that focuses on dealing physical damage from a distance.

Indicates that a player is temporarily away from their computer or console.

Ability or spell that affects multiple targets within a specific area.

A stat that determines the damage of abilities that deal magic damage.

A button on a controller that allows players to quickly switch between weapons or items.

A gas-operated, magazine-fed rifle from the Halo video game franchise.

A genre of game where a large number of players compete against each other until there is only one survivor.

Abilities or effects that can disrupt or hinder enemies.

A popular tabletop role-playing game and a foundational influence for many modern role-playing games.

A popular tabletop role-playing game and a foundational influence for many modern role-playing games.

A measure of a character's ability to deal damage over time.

The frequency at which consecutive images are captured or displayed. This term may describe the capture rate (by a camera or computer animation) or display (a computer monitor or GPU).